Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wendy's Aqua Wheeled Cart

So here's something I've been wondering for a while:

Did Wendy's Ice Cream Cart really come with aqua colored wheels?

I know that it came with purple wheels (with a purple roof and yellow lid), because I have that one:

I also know that it came with yellow wheels (with a yellow roof and purple lid), because I have that one too:

So I know for sure that Wendy's cart came with yellow and purple wheels.

However, on Wendy's Personality Card she is pictured with a cart with aqua colored wheels, which agrees with ThisOldToy.com (TOT) where they say that she comes with a cart with aqua wheels.

The thing is though, I have never actually seen an aqua wheeled cart for sale on eBay or anywhere else for that matter. So I started wondering, did Wendy's cart actually come with aqua wheels or was that only how it was made for her personality card photo?

Anyone out there have an aqua wheeled ice cream cart? Please let me know if you do so I can keep a look out for it and add it to my collection.